Gluten Free News
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Which Make Up Brands Are Gluten Free?

Ever wondered if the make up you use is gluten free? We’ve been in touch with the country’s leading cosmetic companies to find out if their products are GF or not – the answers may surprise you!


Afterglow Cosmetics

Afterglow Cosmetics is certified gluten-free. None of the company’s products contains gluten, and everything is made in a gluten-free facility. Afterglow Cosmetics uses Vitamin E (tocopherol) derived from organic cotton seed oil and organic olive oil (not from wheat germ, as is common in the cosmetics industry).


Bare Minerals

This company maintains an extensive list of gluten-free products on its website here. But there’s a disclaimer – “please keep in mind that these products may be made in an environment that handles Wheat, Oat, Rye and Barley derivatives.” Many people with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity report using Bare Minerals products without issue though.


Benefit Cosmetics
Most Benefit Cosmetics products are gluten free, but they don’t list information on their website so you’ll need to contact customer care to get the allergy information on each individual product.


Cover Girl

Some of Cover Girl’s products are gluten free, but some may contain gluten so you’ll need to check the information really carefully – here’s what they told us: “We know Celiac is a serious disease, so we want to give you clear information regarding the use of our beauty care products.  If wheat and/or gluten aren’t directly added to a product by us, these ingredients won’t be listed on our packages.  Like many companies, we often purchase the scents for fragranced products from outside suppliers, and the components of these substances are proprietary information belonging to those companies. Therefore it’s possible that a very small amount (parts per million) of gluten may be present.”



Not gluten free. Here’s what they said: “‘While a formulation may not contain wheat, oat, barley or rye derivatives, for the benefit of our gluten-sensitive consumers who may have cross-sensitivities, Clinique takes the extra precaution of including corn, rice and soy in our research. In addressing your concern about gluten, we would like to explain that a vast number of raw materials from many different suppliers and sources are used in the manufacture of Estee Lauder Companies’ products. It is therefore not possible for us to fully guarantee that our products are completely free of ingredients that may elicit an allergic response in highly sensitive individuals who react to gluten.”



Ecco Bella

This is a safe brand for sufferers of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. The company states “There is no gluten or wheat protein in any Ecco Bella product. All our products are safe for customers with celiac sprue.”



Many celiacs use E.L.F. cosmetics without issue, but they tell us “our products do not contain gluten or beeswax. Please be aware, however, that we cannot guarantee that the machinery used to process our products are completely gluten free.”


em michelle phan

Check every product individually, this brand is made and marketed in partnership with L’Oreal and they offered the following (slightly longwinded) information… “Thank you for your inquiry concerning gluten in L’Oreal USA products. Most ingredients derived from these sources are highly refined and retain no traces of allergenic proteins. For less refined ingredients from natural sources, L’Oreal USA has established strict limits on the level of potentially allergenic proteins. We believe that this policy minimizes the likelihood of reactions to these proteins in the majority of sensitive individuals. However, since individuals exhibit a wide range of sensitivities to these proteins, if you have any questions or concerns you should discuss with your medical care provider. Also, you can contact consumer affairs for further detailed information in regards to individual products at 1-866-247-2998.”


IT Cosmetics

Two of the IT Cosmetics products contain gluten: Hello Lashes mascara and Tightline mascara. The rest contain no gluten ingredients.



It’s best to check the ingredients of each individual product, they told us “As a measure of precaution, the L’Oreal group does not use gluten or its gliadin in the composition of any of its cosmetics products. However, despite the many precautions taken to insure the quality of the raw materials, small traces of gliadin can occasionally be found in several non-protein vegetables constituents extracted from wheat, rye, barley, and oat which may be used and therefore present in our range. To ensure our products are suitable for your use, please consult the product ingredient cards that can be found at all of our cosmetics stands, as well as printed on our product packaging.”


Laura Mercier

Almost all of Laura Mercier’s products are gluten free and they list their ingredients on the website.


Lucky Vitamin

Lucky Vitamin have little wheat icons underneath all the products they sell on their website – if the icon is there, it’s gluten free.



Marcelle has an ingredients guide on the website that you can use to find which of their products do and don’t contain gluten. They tell you which ingredients denote gluten, and then you can search for which products do and don’t contain those ingredients, take a look at it here


Maybelline has confirmed during the formulation of products the allergenic component is removed for any natural extracts that may contain gluten, this means that celiacs can use Maybelline products.



Not gluten free. They told us this, which destroyed our confidence… “Although gluten is not listed as an individual ingredient in our products, we cannot guarantee that gluten derivatives do not exist. Due to the way cosmetic ingredients are manufactured and transported, we cannot guarantee that our products are 100% gluten free.”


Can you think of any brands we’ve missed off the list? Leave us a comment!


  1. cakeandsympathy says

    I did a similar post last year ( after wondering whether my lipsticks might be causing my constant stomach troubles and I had real difficulty getting people to confirm whether there was gluten in their products or not! Most of them said they didn’t know and would have to get back to me (some of them never did), and many said that some of their products were safe and others weren’t. I ended up having to read them a list of my lipsticks so they could check because they couldn’t confirm consistency across their ranges! Funnily enough, Revlon, who told you their products aren’t safe, told me that some of their products were and others weren’t, which makes me wonder if they were fibbing when I talked to them… Either way, someone spoke to me a few weeks after my blog post on the issue and said that whether or not there was gluten in lipsticks, there would never be enough to cause a reaction in a coeliac, as the traces would amount to fewer than 20ppm. No idea whether this is true, though!

    Surely this is something that the powers-that-be should be investigating further?

    Vikki Cook

  2. Debs mcallister says

    I think it’s something thAt needs looked into too. My daughter is coeliac and although she doesn’t have the severe stomach reaction like son. I would like to know if her make up inadvertent affects her skin ( the reason she was diagnosed in the first instance )

    • Autumn says

      No, I just purchased a make up thinking it was gluten free, and 15 minutes later I got sick! I’m very sensitive, although some manufacturers would say that “cosmetics” are not ingested like food, it shouldn’t matter. Well it does matter because, anything I put on my hair (like hair color) make up, lipstick, perfumes, soaps make me very sick.
      Thank you to all of you by taking the time and writing about gluten free cosmetics.

  3. Karen Hartsoch says

    Frustrated this list says ‘all Maybelline is safe’ yet my fave cover up, Age Rewind, contains Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein. How did/do they remove the Wheat protein? I don’t trust the above statement from Maybelline.

  4. Lynn says

    I use Benefit Cosmetics. Checked out their website, said a couple have gluten, but didn’t say which ones, which is frustrating.

    I also use PUR Minerals.

  5. Sprued says

    I get glutened from cosmetics. The trace ppm in lipstick doing no harm is a myth to me. I have over twenty years experience as a celiac. The doctors who say this also say they can’t explain why there are celiacs not responding to the diet. Well, duh.

    • Patricia Tracy says

      I totally agree with that and also even if you do not have a gastrointestinal reaction I definitely have a reaction of my skin and lips peeling very badly after using lipstick that have trace ppm of gluten.

  6. Sally says

    I have been on gf diet for 50 years
    Finally when I threw away every
    Cosmetic soap or anything else
    Used on the skin my red eyes and red
    and painful skin finallyCleared up mostly
    Not totally but it so much better
    I read every label and will not bend
    Usually get samples from Sephora
    It also may be that after a using a pro
    duct For a couple of weeks I develop
    A sensitivity and put it aside for awhile

  7. Patricia Tracy says

    What about Rimmel and NYX Cosmetics? Are they gluten free?

  8. Jennifer McCoy says

    I contacted Fresh Cosmetics and they assured me that their products are gluten free and nothing is derived from any gluten products. 7/15/16

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